AIMP and Sound HD with the new surround in Windows

Wszelkie pytania i sugestie dotyczące AIMP'a.
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

AIMP and Sound HD with the new surround in Windows

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

Take advantage of the surround sound in Windows for unique recordings from all over Europe, which are made available on Swedish Radio's night broadcasts with Sound HD.



It worked very well when tested with BienSoundPC
La musique sonne bien avec cet ordinateur de bureau

With AIMP, you can play 2-channel Sound HD with 4 speakers, as well as save on the hard disk in original format.

What is HD Sound? ... s/hd-sound

The phrase HD Sound is used to describe audio where we have taken specific steps in the distribution and transmission chains to maintain the quality and fidelity of the original source material. (If you have sufficient bandwidth available, your sound on Radio 3 should automatically default to HD). For online content this generally means three things:

The amount of bandwidth reduction has been kept to a minimum by using a high bitrate in the encoder
The encoding codec is of a high-quality music type
The amount of audio signal processing has been kept to a minimum (e.g. Radio 3 HD Sound uses the AAC-LC codec at 320kbs and has no audio signal processing applied)

Whilst all of our services are now available at the high-quality 320kbs AAC-LC encoding only Radio 3 currently has the signal processing bypassed and so is the only service to broadcast in HD Sound.
Euroclassic Notturno is a six-hour radio sequence of classical music recordings assembled by BBC Radio from material supplied by members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and distributed, via the EBU's Euroradio satellite network, to a number of these broadcasters for use in their overnight classical-music schedules. The recordings used are not taken from commercially available CDs but come instead from earlier (usually live) radio broadcasts
The service is streamed from Broadcasting House in London between 0.00 and 6.00 Central European Time seven days a week, though actual transmission times may be shifted locally – the BBC itself, for instance, broadcasts its own version (which goes out under the title Through the Night) between 0.30 and 6.30 on Mondays to Fridays, and from 1.00 till 7.00 on Saturdays and Sundays. BBC Radio 3's Through the Night was first broadcast on 5 May 1996 when 24-hour broadcasting was introduced on the station. The first presenter was Donald Macleod.
0.30–6.30 (Mon–Fri) 1.00–7.00 (Sat, Sun)
BBB 3 transmission is available in AIMP with 128 kbps mp3
Ostatnio zmieniony 21 wrz 2021, 14:46 przez BienSoundPC, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

AIMP can handle Notturno live streaming from other countries' broadcasts

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

Obrazek Bulgaria Hristo Botev Radio BNR Еврокласик ноктюрно (Evroklasik noktyurno) 3.00–5.00
всеки ден от 3.00 до 5.00 часа
Обединена нощна програма на ЕBU (Европейски съюз за радио и телевизия)
В проекта участват 12 радиостанции – Словакия, Швеция, Словения, Норвегия, Нидерландия, Дания, Хърватска, Полша, Унгария, Румъния и България Кородинатор на проекта е Би Би Си, Лондон. Всяка радиостанция изпраща концертни програми от своята фонотека, а екипът в британската столица съставя седемте часа на нощта. Само два от тях могат да чуят българските слушатели. Концертите включват изпълнения на състави не само от страните излъчващи програмата. Благодарение на международния музикален радиообмен в ефира звучат и състави от Канада, САЩ, Австралия, Нова Зеландия и Япония. Често се съставят цели тематични линии, които се излъчват в продължение на няколко дни в един и същи час. Често те са посветени на някоя годишнина или на изпълнител. Пак на този принцип звучат записи осъществени по време на различни международни фестивала – например “На старинната музика” в Херне (Германия), на хоровия конкурс в Япония, Променадните концерти в Лондон.
Екип: Весела Цанкова, Ралица Фичева, Мануела Манчева, Ивета Грънчарова, Сибила Лилова, Димана Тодорова, Даниела Найденова, Янина Богданова

Obrazek Croatia HRT 3 HRT Euroclassic Notturno 0.00–6.00
Noćni glazbeni program "Euroclassic Notturno" zajednički je projekt niza zemalja članica Europske radiodifuzijske unije. Glazbu odabire BBC iz arhiva zvučnih zapisa javnih radija uključenih u projekt.

Težište je na raznolikosti u širokom rasponu od rane glazbe do suvremenih djela te od arhivskih snimki s početka prošloga stoljeća sve do najrecentnijih studijskih i koncertnih zapisa, uključujući i snimke čitavih koncerata s vodećih europskih glazbenih festivala.

Obrazek Greece ERT Third Programme ERT Trito 1.00–7.00
live streaming mp3 192 kbps 48 kHz
Το Notturno, είναι ένα βραδινό πρόγραμμα που μεταδίδεται απευθείας ή ηχογραφημένο από πάνω από δέκα χώρες της Ευρώπης και προέρχεται από τη συνεργασία με την EBU. Κάθε κράτος – μέλος της EBU που επιθυμεί, έχει τη δυνατότητα να συμμετέχει στο συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα, στέλνοντας συναυλίες της χώρας του προς μετάδοση ή/και επιλέγοντας να το παρουσιάζει κάθε βράδυ από τις ραδιοφωνικές του συχνότητες. Έξι ώρες γεμάτες μουσική, με γνωστά και αγαπημένα έργα του κλασσικού ρεπερτορίου.

Η Αλεξάνδρα Γιαλίνη γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα. Σπούδασε πιάνο και ανώτερα θεωρητικά στο Ελληνικό Ωδείο (απ’ όπου και πήρε πτυχία πιάνου, αρμονίας, αντίστιξης και φούγκας), καθώς και κλασσικό τραγούδι. Συνεργάζεται με το Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα από το 1995 και τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια επιμελείται και παρουσιάζει, σε συνεργασία με την EBU, ζωντανές μεταδόσεις συναυλιών από την Ευρώπη. Παράλληλα εργάστηκε και ως μουσικός σύμβουλος σε τηλεοπτικές καλύψεις συναυλιών.

Η Άννα Σακαλή είναι ειδική μουσικός παραγωγός στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα της Ελληνικής Ραδιοφωνίας, ενώ έχει παρουσιάσει και συμμετάσχει σε εκπομπές της δημόσιας ραδιοτηλεόρασης. Έχει δίπλωμα βιολοντσέλου, είναι πτυχιούχος αρμονίας και εμπορικού οικονομικού κολεγίου. Έλαβε μέρος το 2011 στην παιδική τηλεοπτική εκπομπή «Ουράνιο τόξο» και έχει παρουσιάσει εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών και Θεσσαλονίκης καθώς και στο ίδρυμα Θεοχαράκη.

ObrazekHungary Bartók Rádió [hu] MR Notturno 0.00–6.00
Szórakoztató éjszakai zenei műsor éjféltől egészen hajnalig.
Az EBU szárnyai alatt készülő műsort több európai ország egyszerre sugározza. A tagországok által ajánlott zenékből a BBC állítja össze a programot. Napi 6 órában ismert és ismeretlen, különleges és népszerű zenéket hallhatnak aludni nem tudó vagy nem akaró hallgatóink. A Notturno magyar hangja, Némethy Attila, és szerkesztője, Terdik László mai hangzású, személyes hangvételű műsoraival a modern életvitelhez igazodva, ugyanakkor a legjobb hagyományokat folytatva várja a klasszikus zene rajongóit.

Obrazek Poland Dwójka PR Muzyczna Noc Euroradia (Euroradio’s Music Night) 2.00–6.00 (Mon–Fri)
live streaming mp3 192 kpps 44,1kHz,Dwojka/39 ... -Euroradia
Muzyczna Noc Euroradia" to wyjątkowe pasmo na antenie Programu 2. Codziennie, od poniedziałku do piątku, prezentujemy nagrania proponowane przez radiofonie zrzeszone w Europejskiej Unii Nadawców (European Broadcasting Union, EBU).

Są to nagrania dokonane tak w radiowych studiach, jak i – najczęściej – podczas transmisji ważnych wydarzeń muzycznych, na przykład festiwalowych koncertów.
Muzyka "Nocy Euroradia" ma unikalny charakter: ze względu na dobór wykonawców i utworów (doskonale zróżnicowana mieszanka uznanych gwiazd i młodych artystów, ulubionych arcydzieł i diamentów, które długo leżały ukryte w skarbcach archiwów), jak i ze względu na to, że prezentowane utwory są bez wyjątku nagraniami radiowymi. To wykonania niedostępne na płytach kompaktowych ani w żadnej innej, poza radiową, formie. Możemy zatem poczuć ulotność i wyjątkowość chwili…

Obrazek Slovakia Rádio Devín [sk] RTVS Euroclassic Nocturno 2.00–6.00
Nočný hudobný prúd, koncipovaný v kooperácii BBC a EBU. Klasická hudba všetkých štýlov, žánrov a období. Redaktorka: Silvia Zvarová.

Obrazek Slovenia ARS RTV Evropski klasični nokturno 0.00–4.00
Evropski klasični nokturno

Sproščujoče nočno glasbeno doživetje z najnovejšimi posnetki Evroradia.

Obrazek Romania Radio România Muzical SRR Notturno 1.00–7.00
…este un program muzical produs de BBC şi preluat prin satelit de la Uniunea Europeană de Radio de către radiodifuziunile membre şi partenere, difuzat în Marea Britanie, Bulgaria, Croaţia, Grecia, Islanda, Norvegia, Polonia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Suedia, Turcia, Ungaria, dar şi în România prin intermediul Radio România Muzical.

Din 1 decembrie 2000, pe parcursul celor şase ore ale fiecărui serial nocturn, melomanii români se bucură de audierea unei adevărate colecţii de bijuterii muzicale, selectate din arhivele radiodifuziunilor de pe tot cuprinsul globului. Nu pierdeţi, aşadar, întâlnirea nocturnă cu marea muzică.

Doina Constantinescu și Simona Dumitriu - realizatoare, precum şi Ion Cristian Niţu – producator, vă doresc audiţie plăcută.

Obrazek Sweden Sveriges Radio P2 SR Notturno 0.00–6.00
live streaming acc 320 kpps 48 kHz
Notturno är ett program som sänds under sex timmar varje natt, helgnätter såväl som ”vanliga” nätter. Här hör du god klassisk musik – alla tiders alla genrer, från Palestrinamässor till nyskrivna violinsonater.

Notturno sänder bara hela musikstycken. Det finns till och med plats för väldiga Brucknersymfonier, och ibland kompletta operor. Information om musiken som sänts och vad som kommer att sändas

Obrazek Turkey Radyo 3 TRT Notturno 1.00–7.00
Müzik yayınında kalitenin adı olan Radyo-3, gecelerinize renk katacak 6 saatlik bir klasik müzik kuşağıyla karşınızda.

Dünyanın önde gelen orkestra ve müzisyenlerinin yorumuyla, en güzel Barok, Klasik ve Romantik dönem eserlerinden oluşturulmuş dinamik ve dengeli bir repertuvar, her gece 01.00-07.00 saatleri arasında sizlerle birlikte.

CD prodüksiyonlarına yer verilmeyen; çoğu en önemli orkestralar tarafından gerçekleştirilen ve Avrupa Yayın Birliği (EBU) üyesi yayın kurumları tarafından kayda alınan konserlerden meydana getirilen kuşak, bu yapısıyla kültür-sanat alanında özlenen kaliteyi dinleyicilerle buluşturuyor.

EBU üyesi yayın kurumlarının özel arşivlerinin TRT dinleyicilerinin beğenisine sunulmasına olanak sağlayan ve editörlüğü, klasik müzik alanında yetkinliği dünyaca kabul edilen BBC Radyo-3 tarafından gerçekleştirilen bu seçkin kuşakta yer alan yorumları, Türkiye'de TRT Radyo-3 dışında hiçbir yerde dinlemek mümkün değil...
Ostatnio zmieniony 22 wrz 2021, 09:53 przez BienSoundPC, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

2 receive direct broadcasted live music at Your AIMP

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

Obrazek welcome to the profile @ facebook

2 receive direct broadcasted live music at Your AIMP
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

AudiophilePC @ facebook

Post autor: BienSoundPC »


Obrazek welcome to the profile @ facebook
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

4ch BienSound PC @ facebook

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

Obrazek welcome to the profile @ facebook
Match your speakers with furniture

four-channel sound can best be reproduced with 4 speakers that have coaxial elements such as these Norwegian SEAS - "THE ART OF SOUND PERFECTION" in Polish active studio monitors APS.

Since the 1943 introduction of the Altec Lansing Duplex 601 coaxial driver, recording studio monitors have often been coaxial loudspeaker designs

Tannoy has produced coaxial loudspeakers, for the hi fidelity home consumer market since the early 1950s. Tannoy Ltd is a British manufacturer of loudspeakers and public-address (PA) systems.
Now the American Fluid offers inexpensive monitors with coaxial elements

Orthoacoustic is also interesting
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

Audio Session API - WASAPI & new surround

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

The basis for getting good sound to 4 speakers from PC is WASAPI


Windows Audio Session API – Very low-level API for rendering audio, render/capture audio streams, adjust volume etc

More about this is already on ... 374#p26700

Boy, it was even uglier than expected. ... 12/page-10

ASIO Focusrite driver

Wasapi (event) 16 bit
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

AIMP & BienSoundPC @ AmberExpo

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

BienSound PC can be elegant like the B&O sound system from Denmark and drive as safely as the ReVox tape recorder from Switzerland


At the AmberExpo stand, we presented BienSound with 3 different Gigabyte motherboards in a transparent and wooden desktop housing, and without. Farthest back in a version that can match the best Hi-Fi equipment in a wooden case. Per Dahlberg's artistic vision of BienSoundPC hangs on the wall.


At the forefront BienSoundPC in transparent case with G1.Sniper 5

La musique sonne bien avec cet ordinateur de bureau

In it we showed for the first time in Poland the motherboard G1.Sniper 5 with separate audio section and built-in Creative Sound Core3D ™ quad-core audio processor ... -rev-1x#ov


The BienSound PC artistic vision had a simple Gigabyte motherboard for AMD processors with a built-in graphics circuit, which could easily work in an exhibition open to the public


the artistic vision without a casing was created by Per Oscar Gustav Dahlberg


and was inspired by Sara Aziewicz, who knows a lot about Russian icons.


She compared the components on the motherboard to apartment blocks.
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

Art gallery & polish tube amplifier 2 x 60W (Root Mean Square)

Post autor: BienSoundPC »


PC with open structure is not limited to a gray box. HTPC as in the example above has been on the market for several years. It has been individually configured for Unitra
Unitra EDWARD tube amplifier uses a Williamson Push-Pull Ultralinear class AB1 amplifier principle with the nominal power output of 2 x 25W (f = 1 kHz THD sine = 0.21%) . Frequency response is claimed from 10 Hz to ÷ 65kHz (Pwy = 5W sinus ± 3 dB/0dB for f = 1 kHz) for response 15 Hz ÷ 60kHz (Pwy = 25W sinus ± 3 dB/0dB for f = 1 kHz). It spots four line inputs and implements these tubes: 2 x GZ34S, 4 x, 2 x 6L6GC ECC99, 2 x ECC82 EM84.
and their Edward tube amplifiers, as well as for display in the BMC2 gallery in Sopot.


Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

AIMP replaced the solution in BienSound PC 4 FM radio

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

1 st Reference PC 4 FM radio ... ference4fm


was inspired by Swedish design


of the amplifier and FM receiver produced by


We have implemented a technical solution for CD/DVD and analog FM broadcasts

It also worked smoothly with older computers

Obrazek Obrazek

Next Reference PC 4 FM radio and NICAM audio was with WinFast 2000 XP

The tuner had the digital filters necessary for NICAM, which also ensured better music playback with FM radio
Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex (NICAM) is an early form of lossy compression for digital audio. It was originally developed in the early 1970s for point-to-point links within broadcasting networks.[1] In the 1980s, broadcasters began to use NICAM compression for transmissions of stereo TV sound to the public.
Alternative solution to Reference PC 4 FM radio for laptops


The Pinnacle PCTV Hybrid Stick Ultimate 330e tuner for connection via USB has a driver that makes it treated by the operating system as a sound card with the possibility of optimal setting for music playback

Now we recommend radio broadcasts on the Internet and playing music from it with AIMP


News with AIMP 5

e.g. plugins: scrobbler
  • an ability to display information about artist
  • integration to default skin
  • support for and services
Downloading the Best Freeware / Tips and Guides
Listen and convert your music, even internet radio, with AIMP ... with-aimp/
Other features of AIMP include LastFM Scrobbler, Bookmark and playback queue creation, Multiple playlists – one per tab, CUE Sheet support, Playing media files of up to 250MB directly from RAM, Multiuser mode support, Multi-language interface, Hotkeys (configurable local and global hotkeys),
Posty: 735
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2019, 12:34

AIMP & stream better than Digital Audio Broadcasting for music from the radio

Post autor: BienSoundPC »

We did many tests with music sent on DAB +


Outdoors and indoors


We used BienSound PC Reference with Intel HD audio connected to a professional audio system for smaller scenes

Obrazek Obrazek

but the tuner software was archaic and another one could not be used


The biggest advantage here is that it even works with a simple laptop and without internet access.


AIMP with Windows Audio Session API and oversampling 192 kHz/32 bit provides much better results


Radio from the stream already has also Sound HD


but Digital Audio Broadcasting probably will not have ... oadcasting
The term "DAB" most commonly refers both to a specific DAB standard using the MP2 audio codec, but can sometimes refer to a whole family of DAB-related standards, such as DAB+, DMB and DAB-IP.

WorldDAB, the organisation in charge of the DAB standards, announced DAB+, a major upgrade to the DAB standard in 2006, when the HE-AAC v2 audio codec[12] (also known as eAAC+) was adopted. AAC+ uses a modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) algorithm.[9][10] The new standard, which is called DAB+, has also adopted the MPEG Surround audio format and stronger error correction coding in the form of Reed–Solomon coding. DAB+ has been standardised as European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) TS 102 563.

As DAB is not forward compatible with DAB+, older DAB receivers cannot receive DAB+ broadcasts. However, DAB receivers that will be able to receive the new DAB+ standard via a firmware upgrade went on sale in July 2007. If a receiver is DAB+ compatible, there will be a sign on the product packaging.

DAB+ broadcasts have launched in several countries like Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong (now terminated), Italy, Malta, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium (October 2017),[13] the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Malta was the first country to launch DAB+ in Europe on October 2008. Several other countries are also expected to launch DAB+ broadcasts over the next few years, such as Austria, Hungary, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. South Africa began a DAB+ technical pilot in November 2014 on channel 13F in Band 3. If DAB+ stations launch in established DAB countries, they can transmit alongside existing DAB stations that use the older MPEG-1 Audio Layer II audio format, and most existing DAB stations are expected to continue broadcasting until the vast majority of receivers support DAB+.[14]

Ofcom in the UK published a consultation for a new national multiplex containing a mix of DAB and DAB+ services, with the intention of moving all services to DAB+ in the long term.[15] In February 2016, the new national network Sound Digital launched with three DAB+ stations.[16]
Ostatnio zmieniony 03 gru 2021, 09:43 przez BienSoundPC, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.